Thursday, July 12, 2012


It's like a norm that people judge based on the first impression
But have it ever cross your mind that people judge you too?
It's funny that people like to judge about people
they heard someone judging about them, they complained.
So why can't people judge you when you judge others?
It is fair to get judge when you judged others, isn't it?
Not that i disagree in judging or i do not judge,
It's that if you mind people judging you then DON'T JUDGE.

Frankly speaking, i do judge okay.
Last time, i used to judge based on my first impression.
But now i don't, cause it's stupid.
How can you judge based on the first time you saw him/her?
Are an expert in judging?
Can you immediately point out all the pros & cons ?
Do you even understand/know him /her well?
If you don't, then jolly well just shut up.
It's like you just dislike them BASED ON FIRST IMPRESSION.
Then you immediately sentence them to death?
What is this shit, like seriously?
It just show that you're a narrow-minded person.
That judge without analyzing, getting the facts right.

I'm not saying you can't judge or whatever.
& Your judgement may not be right all the time
So don't be too confident about it.
Judge consciously/ maturely/clearly
Don't start judging when you don't even know them well.

So i'm going to share with your too.
- To focus on people 's good instead of bad.
It's really good because you will dislike less people.
& treat everyone equally :)
I'm currently still learning to be like this.

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