Friday, January 20, 2012

If you care more, you lose.

Let me give you guys 1 piece of advice...
For friendship, it's advantageous if you care lesser.
I have been through this b4.
It's really stupid of caring TOO MUCH.
You actually gain nothing for caring too much .
Do you think you can get a prize by caring more?
No, you get nothing but own sorrows.
Once, i spent too much care on my ex-best fren.
When we quarrel , i feel like it's the end of the world.
But for him, it meant nothing...
& I cried and cried and cried. My heart split into pieces.
Tried all ways of forgiveness but didn't succeed.
Gave up my pride & beg him like a dog.
So what do i get?
N.O.T.H.I.N.G , it's really stupid.
So NOW i realised already.
It's useless to treat someone important when he/she doesn't think the same.
Just snap out of it & admit that you're NOT IMPT.
So my point is :
Even if you can't, JUST PRETEND.
It's better if you pretend rather than you care.

I'm done , bye~

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