Thursday, September 25, 2008

1. Who ish y0ur cl0sest GIRL friend ?
- Sophia :D
- Jamie :D
- Yijia :D

2. Who ish y0ur cl0sest GUY friend ?
- Alvin

3. What ish dhe m0st sh0ckinqq thinqq i have f0und 0ut in my life ?

4. What are dhe reqquirrement dhat y0us wish dhe 0ther party have ?
- caring
-not flirty
-cute & handsome ;x

5. Wh0 ish currently my fav0urite teacher ?
- Miss Mayer

6 . D0 i believe in first siqqht ?
- Ya

7. Have i broken s0me0ne's heart until dhat pers0n wanted t0 c0mmit suicide ?
- Er NO! =.-

8. What d0 i expect t0 be my best day 0f my life ?
-When i with my love :D

9. Have i ever cried in sch00l bef0re ?
- Ya, duh =.=

10. D0 i have any reqqrets ? If y0us have a ch0ice , wart w0uld y0us d0 ?
- I dunno eh ;x

11. If y0us tell mii a secret , and a few days later , i hated y0us , will i reveal y0ur secret ?
- No

12. If i alm0st qq0rt hit by a car , and dhe qquy i likes saves mii , wart w0uld i say ?
- ILY ?

13. Which subject d0 i enj0y dhe m0st ?
- Music & Home econs

14. Wh0 d0 i hate dhe m0st in sch00l ?
- Dunno eh

15. Wart w0uld i d0 if a qquy suddenly kisses mii ?
-Slap him xD

16. Wart am i w0rse at ?
- Geog

17. H0w am i feelinqq n0w ?
- Sad becoz of frens T.T

18. Wart am i d0inqq n0w ?
- bloqqinqq

19. Wh0 am i with n0w ?
- myself .

20. Wh0 d0 i l0ve dhe m0st ?
- myself

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