Sunday, March 10, 2013

The hidden meaning

Hello :)
Omg omg 5 more days to BANGKOK TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So damn excited for it, woohoo.
Can't wait to go to the theme park & see the swimming pool :D
Yay x1000000000000000000000000 times !

Starting work @ Pitchstop from Mon to Thurs...
Hope i won't do anything wrong or break anything *PLEASE*
Must be double alert & careful when serving.
Actually, i'm really afraid that i will do smth wrong.
Ahhhh, need to overcome my fear right! :x

Anyway i realise i'm very very very CARELESS.
Or should i call it forgetful ?
Previously, i lost my e-z link card which almost make me lost my mind.
Next, i freaking lost my new ATM card which i changed it not long ago.
Suay or what? LOL, now i'm really afraid to bring my IC out.
And guess what?
When i went to clinic for med check-up, I FORGOT MY IC.
I don't even have any proof of identification, *&(^*%@#@
Sometimes, i'm really mad at myself.
For not thinking more deeper or being too careless.
I really have SUPER SHORT TERM MEMORY like seriously.
For example - at this min, i'm holding onto smth.
& The next min, i forgot where i put it -_____-
Which made me turn into a mad woman, frantically looking for it.
Gosh, i can't stand myself, ROFL.

My dad told me this :

" You always either lose this or forget that , WHY NEVER FORGET TO BRING YOURSELF OUT ?"

Lol, quite true indeed..
I must stop being so careless/forgetful already! >:(
Mark my words !
Okay done ranting, hah.
Tata ^^

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